Sunday, April 05, 2009

Royal's Commission - Week One

Things are going great at this point. The first layers are starting to fill the entire canvas. Working in the gallery is a unique experience. Working without a television is hard to get use to but it helps me focus. Especially I only have a few weeks to finish, I most definitely needed the discipline.

It feels good to finally have paint on the canvas. I usually start with the darkest value.

Here I am working on the stands. I am constantly envisioning how the final product looks like. On this day, I spent about the first 4 hours staring at a blank canvas.
Although I didn't get as much done as I would like, I understand it is part of the process. I just needed to go with the flow.

I have fast forward to DAY 3. After transferring my drawing, I started to apply paint to first establish VALUE and TEXTURE. Canvas is 8 feet by 5 feet, one of the biggest I have painted in a long time.e.

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