Monday, September 10, 2007

Flint Hills' Trip 2007

Our adventure starts. We arrived in our own car at around 2.20pm after about 2 hrs of driving. At that point we were waiting for the bus to arrive that carried all the kids. This year we have over 40 students plus 20 instructors and organizers combined. It was exciting to see all of them arrive and together with the beautiful breezy and clear skies, I knew it was going to be a great day. Thankfully it wasn't hot and humid. This weekend was one of the best weekends this summer. We gathered and the kids were assigned to each instructors. I had about 4 students. Half from Paseo Academy and half from Pembroke Hill. Here we go.

After we gathered for water bottles, snacks and supplies, we drove to the site which was 3 minutes away from our original meeting ground. We were told to come back to the same spot by 5.30pm. Off we went.

Thats Richard on the left and Jose on the right walking to our first vantage point.

Here are some of my students sketching and collecting images to help them create final pieces for the exhibition in two months.

Steph took this picture of me.

We stopped here for our first sketch site. The best view was behind us.

After 20 minutes, we were off to climb this hill to get to the top of the hill to get a better view. It was a hike with shorts because of the tall grass that left my legs scratched up but the view was rewarding when we got to the top.

This is only one view when we got up to the hill.

Heres Steph having fun outdoors!

Heres the group that was with us on the hill working away.

Talented Richard Raney working with his student. An artist and teacher, this is something he does for a living. Only difference is, its outdoors this time.

My honey reading a book!

One of the students with an instructor working away

Saw myself!

Richard and I in the picture. We had a great time.

This is Max painting away.

Yampi, one of my students from Pembroke Hill. Hes from Bolivia, an exchange student having a blast. He didn't want to leave.

This year was filled with even more inspired students and instructors. The suspense builds as we parted and wishes everyone a great job and excited to see the students again back with their finished pieces at the Leopold Gallery this Fall. What a success!!!!!

We were tired from being in the sun. I was ready to drive home, have a glass of wine and just relax. The ride back was a blast having conversations with Jeremy Collins, one of the instructors/artist, Paul, Richard and Steph. The sunset behind us was incredible as we departed. We wished we could stay a bit longer but it was getting dark. Let me tell you, the warm light hitting the hills made the grass radiate and glow red orange all around.

Heres one of my interpretation of the land. I finished this last week in preparations for my solo exhibition next Month.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's beautiful! what an amazing view.

All the best ML. :D
