Saturday, November 17, 2007

Matthew and Allison's Wedding

Fall is here and almost gone!

My beautiful Stephanie. Taken outside the church.

Here is during the wedding ceremony.

Stephanie's host brothers.

Stephanie's host family picture. Shes definitely the black sheep of the family. But they treated her like one of their own daughters.

They are Steph's uncle and aunt.

Steph and I at the reception.

Here I am trying to Tango.

All the single ladies!!!! REady!!!!!

Steph's host brother Jeremiah and girlfriend.

Steph's host Mom and Dad doing their thang!!!

Caleb and Steph.

Stephanie's host family brother's wedding was last wedding. We had a great time at the reception. Here are some pictures to share.

Friday, November 02, 2007

So you think you can SALSA

It was a night of all the best Salsa dancers including myself showing off their skillz on the dancefloor. It was a fun night. 5 dancers faced off for the first round. Winners move on to the finals. I have much work to get done to be ready for the finals but I made it through with flying colors.

Here Mariya and I receiving feedback from judges.

Mariya, me, Fanny and Hugo.

J and Silvino having a blast competing as well. I was very proud of them. They did well.

Samantha and Nik. It was so much fun to watch them dance.

Heres the crowd with DJ Rumbero in the house.

Casino Rueda group of Kansas City representing and having a blast.

One of my all time favorite dancer Yolanda and Issel.