Friday, October 29, 2010

Allan's Workshop at Artichokes

This evening, I had prepared a composition inspired by a Flint Hills' trip last year of mine for my students to paint. Flint Hills are not an easy subject to paint especially when you are creating the depth and also the complex clouds that compliments the rolling hills. Anyway, they did an outstanding job and here are some works in progress.

This workshop is 4 weeks long. We started our first class on October 14th. All levels of painting are welcome. I prepare a diverse range of subject matter for students to paint. Each week we spent time talking about technique and applying what we learn right away. They are encouraged to do what they please and I usually come around and help them individually if they are stuck but most of the time, they bring their own personality that each painting is different.
Students at Artichokes are provided a canvas and other necessary art supplies.. You just show up. Wine is provided :) 
Visit their website for up and coming Artists demos, workshops and painting classes.
My next workshop is a ONE DAY class held at Artichokes on November 9th. It is around 2 hours long and the sky is our subject matter. Stay tuned!

Here is Dennis applying his under painting with some blue paint to establish values and also to cover the entire canvas with paint.
Sue has started painting her field by applying green paint and some hints of oranges as highlights. Her fav. subject matter is landscape.

Many of these students have never painted nor used a palette knife. Although with an open mind and courage to try new things will allow one to create wonders.

Until the next time, have a great day and happy painting.

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