Monday, June 01, 2009

Creative Solution for a small washroom

This is my latest DIY project. Yes, since this is my second time remodeling my home, I needed much help from my professional circle of friends who are gifted electricians, plumbers, architects and just all around handy.

Deadline: MAY 20th
Actual Completion Date: MAY 28th
Time Duration: 1 Month and 28 days

Hours of Labor: Stopped counting after the first 60hours.
Money Spent: Saved a ton.

Here is my design and sketch of the bathroom I dream to have for the current space.
I was determined for the final product to look as good if not better.

First, this is the before picture of a charming 50's style original bathroom that didn't see much use after purchase of home.

Another view of how small it is. What you don't see is the potential that is hidden behind the wall next to the original toilet location.

Ta Da!!!!!

Here are some tips:
Draw a plan, turn to designs that you like as inspirations.
Set a budget and go from there.

If you have to hire someone, try hiring a friend who is good at what he does and who is willing to teach you. Before you hire someone, turn to online resources and pick the brains of your local hardware stores' associates. Believe or not, there are some associates who have tons of knowledge and are willing to share.

Patience! Do it right even if it means more work. You won't regret it.

Mirrors combined with lighting help make a small space seem larger and brighter. Big tiles and light colors were used to help make the room feel more roomy.

Thanks for viewing!
For more pictures, go to

Thank yous:
Jesus (my friend and a true gifted architect/salsero)
Erik Beier (3 Axis Inc. Green Design and Fabrication


Unknown said...

OH MY GAWDDDDDDDDDD this is awesome
we're thinking of renovating our washroom too but it cost a lot of money!


Jeremy said...

Wow!!! You're an artist cum interior designer + plumber :). Please come back here and I'll have you to remodel my bathroom