Sunday, April 05, 2009

Royal's Commission - Week Two

As you can see, I am on the roll at this point. I spent much time working on the jerseys and players' faces/likeness. I should only have a few more days before I stop working on it and allow it to dry. Delivering a wet painting is never a good idea.

I am experimenting painting one of the players green as their first layer of color. By the end of the day I decided on Blue instead. For some reason my instincts told me so and they are usually right.

Working on the field. I decided to leave the players the second last challenge to tackle. My intention is to make sure that the paint of the grass is still wet while I work on the players. This allows me to blend the edges of the players with the grass. Not quite sure why I do this but it works. As long as the result is good, I will continue to do it.

Day 7, This stage took me two days to fill with color. The fans are finally starting to take shape. I probably still have another few hours.

Day 6

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