Monday, December 31, 2007

Christmas Trip

Here are a couple of shots on the way to Sublette, Kansas.

Sunset was pretty amazing.

In the morning, the day after Christmas, it was cold and frost was a great sight. I have never seen such formations before.

Heres a close up.

We stopped by Wichita to visit Carmen and her family. We had such a great time just doing nothing. Here we are at dinner at one of the best buffets i have ever had in the states and it happened to be in Wichita, Kansas. It was really a fancy chinese buffet restaurant.

Heres Kenji and Ethan.

Not ready yet for a kid. LOL.

This fells really did liked me for some reason. Must have been my cologne.

Bowling at Legends

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

New Commission

Rought sketch as i prepare to transfer onto the canvas.

This is a scene of our busy 39th street by KU Medical center. Known for its variety of restaurants, it has been a popular spot for food lovers. Anyway this will soon be a painting to highlight KU Med's new addition in the background.

Friday, December 07, 2007


Well last night was another great night. Mariya and I took First Place in a local Salsa Competition held in Isle of Capri Casino in Kansas City, MO. Above are pictures during our performance. More pictures to share.

What an exciting journey coming to close. We started out with one choreography and ended up coming up two additional choreography in less than two months. It took two people and a great coach to make something like this happen in our partnership.

Last night was filled with excitement, anxiety, friends, family supporting their favorite couple. The last five couples standing after a month long competition get to dance their last dance last night.

You know, finishing a triathlon, successful exhibitions, and other personal challenges, winning a dance competition is the next best thing. The process taught me alot. It required me to be patient, adapt, listening, helping ea. other through mentally drained moments during practices, overcoming personal pride, and while all those struggles arise out of nowhere, dealing with it as professional as possible while staying focus of winning the competition is a GREAT CHALLENGE! Friendships and partnerships are tested.

In the end, we were determined, we wanted to win and we earned it. Our coach Josh Hernandez is the one who believed it us and we made him proud.

Although being the best salsa dancer in the world isn't my priority, the desire is there. As long as i know that I always work hard, follow through and continue to be a winner in everything i do, I hope to inspire others to do the same.

Thank you all for your support and for being there to cheer us on. Thank you Thank you Thank you.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Matthew and Allison's Wedding

Fall is here and almost gone!

My beautiful Stephanie. Taken outside the church.

Here is during the wedding ceremony.

Stephanie's host brothers.

Stephanie's host family picture. Shes definitely the black sheep of the family. But they treated her like one of their own daughters.

They are Steph's uncle and aunt.

Steph and I at the reception.

Here I am trying to Tango.

All the single ladies!!!! REady!!!!!

Steph's host brother Jeremiah and girlfriend.

Steph's host Mom and Dad doing their thang!!!

Caleb and Steph.

Stephanie's host family brother's wedding was last wedding. We had a great time at the reception. Here are some pictures to share.

Friday, November 02, 2007

So you think you can SALSA

It was a night of all the best Salsa dancers including myself showing off their skillz on the dancefloor. It was a fun night. 5 dancers faced off for the first round. Winners move on to the finals. I have much work to get done to be ready for the finals but I made it through with flying colors.

Here Mariya and I receiving feedback from judges.

Mariya, me, Fanny and Hugo.

J and Silvino having a blast competing as well. I was very proud of them. They did well.

Samantha and Nik. It was so much fun to watch them dance.

Heres the crowd with DJ Rumbero in the house.

Casino Rueda group of Kansas City representing and having a blast.

One of my all time favorite dancer Yolanda and Issel.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Art of a Vanishing Landscape


The Pembroke Hill School and Paseo Academy communities are invited to an art opening featuring work by students and professional artists inspired by a trip to the Konza Prairie this summer.

Proceeds from art sales will benefit the Konza Environment Education Program.

Come join us at the Opening Reception:
Opening Reception
Friday, November 9th 5pm-9pm
Leopold Gallery (324 W.63rd st. in Brookside)

To view some images from the trip go to:

Birthday party in Lawrence

From top left: Nathan and Tyler. Bottom left: Me and Stephanie.

What $%^!!!!!! LOL. So cute.

I love you!!!

Wii. It was fun. My first time.


Last Saturday night, we went to a friend's birthday party at a beautiful home in Lawrence where Steph's fav dogs live. She wanted to see if i was truly allergic to them so part of my task was to play with them. Well my nose was running a bit but not as bad as when I am around cats when I have trouble breathing.

Our future of having pugs in our new house is questionable for now. LOL.

Great food that night. It was a good ole time.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Post Exhibition Minutes

The exhibition was indeed a SUCCESS. Just as I anticipated, it was breathtaking to me to see all that I have worked so so hard for, up on the wall all at once. I spent many hours with each of my paintings but for the most part I only get to look at them one at a time up on my easel so to see the final result as a whole was very rewarding.

Throughout the evening, I greeted clients and chatted with them about my work. I ask them about their interest in paintings trying to learn more about what drew them to my paintings. They were fascinated about the amount paint i use for each painting. They wondered how and what i used to manipulate the paint with. Finally they appreciated the color and compositions i chose for each subject matter.

There were many close friends at the show. Among them there were friends whom I haven't seen for so long that came and they definitely brighten the day and made my evening that much more special.

30 minutes before lights out, the gallery were filled with talented dancer friends and specially loved ones. We all went out to celebrate at Cheesecake factory and went dancing to finish off the night. The night was just perfect. It definitely memorable.

I am off to work again for my next exhibition. Until then, thank you all for being at the exhibition. I hope you had a good time that evening.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Pre Exhibition Preparations

Today is another big day. The day that I have been looking forward to for the last 3 months. Have you ever been so focused in accomplishing a goal that takes so much patience and work but in a short period of time? To be able to talk about it at the end knowing you have crossed the finish line is an experience so powerful and motivating, it makes you feel like you can do anything and be who you want to be.

(will blog about the experience above another time)

Every year, my exhibition signifies another big accomplishment not only to my career as an artist but also as an individual. This year has been the most challenging year in my career because I risked having a very short amount of time preparing for my exhibition to visit my family and friends back in Malaysia whom I haven't seen in 7 years.

As I prepare myself mentally for this evening, The only thing I want to focus on is to see my friends whom I love and to tell them how much I appreciate their support and also the public that appreciates art. They are very important to me as an artist because, audiences are part of my art making process.

Of course deep down in my heart, I can only think about all that has happened this year. Meeting the love of my life, the people that I have met, places that I have been to, being accepted at another gallery and having a blast teaching salsa.

I will be back early next week to report on this special evening with some pictures.

Thanks for reading.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Latest Painting

This painting is a glimpse of Melaka, a historical town in Malaysia on the coast of Straits of Melaka. Once a town where trading started over 60 years ago. Anyway, this is my last painting for the exhibition THIS FRIDAY!!!!!!

Artist Opening Reception
Leopold Gallery
324 W 63rd St (63rd & Brookside)
Kansas City, MO 64113
Friday, OCTOBER 19th, 6 - 9pm

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Opening Reception

The wait has finally arrived!!!! Please join me at the Leopold Gallery on Oct. 19th for an opening reception of my artwork this year.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Workshop with Ana Tinajero

Ana and I after the workshop.

Here we are on Friday evening sitting around chatting over dinner before dancing.

Here is my Latin Rhythm Dance Family and Ana Tinajero during our workshop this weekend. We learned alot and we went through some vigorous body movement exercises, spinning technique and a turn pattern with some flava.